Thursday, March 19, 2009

Be Still...

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like more and more things are happening each day. It could be that I'm just hearing about them due to the availability of tv, internet, radio, newspaper and watercooler. Each day being bombarded with hundreds or, perhaps, thousands of stories which are capturing the attention of those that report the news. Normally, this is a good thing, because *wait for it*

I like to know things!!!

I don't have to tell things. I just like to know things. It's odd, but knowing things makes me happy. They don't even have to be important things, just things.

For instance, I went to a Kinks concert a number of years ago and while waiting for the Davies' brothers, I noticed someone in the crowd. I thought I recognized this person, but wasn't sure and not knowing started to bother me. While getting refreshments this person was in line right next to me and I apologized for bothering them and before I could ask the question they confirmed my suspicion. It was Joe Elliot of Def Leppard. I was just happy knowing and now I could focus on refreshments. On a side note: He ask me a question and we talked about 15 minutes. Nice guy.

Sometimes just wanting to know things has it's drawbacks. With all the information delivery vehicles available I can go into information overdose. It is then I need to take a different approach. At times like this I take the advice of Psalm 46:10...

"Be still, and know that I am God"

I grab my Bible and determine to know (to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty) God.

And each time I do, I find that He is the God of:

Hope - Peace - Patience - Consolation - All Comfort - Love - All Grace - My Righteousness - My Salvation - Glory - My Strength - My Mercy - Heaven

I also find that God (the Lord) is:

My Rock - My Fortress - My Deliverer - My Strength - My Buckler - My High Tower - My Shepherd - My Light - My Shield - Good - My Defence - Upright - Great - Judge - Merciful - Gracious - Slow to Anger - High Above All Nations - Righteous - Good to All - Full of Compassion - Faithful - LOVE

Doing this reboots my brain (so to speak) and sets my priorities in order. It helps me focus on what I truly need to know and unlike previously mentioned things, this I like to tell.

There is one more thing that God is and I believe it is the most important thing to me...

He is my Heavenly Father....